Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Stomach and Digestion Problems???

Many of us have issues with our tummy girgling and hurting from the foods we eat. I have personally dealt with some of these issues, as well as my boy. I've found GNLD's Acidophilus, and Enzymes help tremendously! Takes away that girgle!

My boy has eczema, and when avoiding dairy he does so much better. At least we have found his trigger. The first recommendation I would offer is FIND WHAT TRIGGERS IT! This isn't always easy, but if you start by eliminating dairy for a good month, you will soon see if that is the problem. Other triggers could be wheat, gluten and other foods. For my boy he uses the Acidophilus daily, and when he wants to cheat, he uses the Enzymes. In fact, he loves them!

Other ailments that can relate to digestion etc., gerd, even hiatle hernias. I personally experienced gerd, and when using GNLD's Aloe Vera Plus morning (on an empty stomach), at night, and every time in between that I felt it, I noticed immediate relief. In fact, after 2 months on it solid, I cured myself of the problem all together. After only a couple weeks I could cut way back, and didn't need it for the in between stages. I love the Aloe Vera Plus, it really does work.

I have also done a little research, and for digestive issues, stomach ulcers, and I believe gerd as well, try 1/4 to a full teaspoon of cayenne pepper disolved in warm water...shoot it down. Do this once a day. I noticed relief from a stomach ulcer after only a day! Amazing!