Sunday, June 21, 2009

Don't Wait Until Tomorrow...Start Today!!!

You've heard the old saying, "I'll go on a diet tomorrow, but I gotta eat today..." well, the same pertains to pretty much any change we talk about making. There's always tomorrow, but what about right now?

I am still not where I long to be, but I am on the road, and have learned many things along the way. I have always been more in tune with doing things that are better for me, but after losing my Mom to cancer in 2004 I was on a mission to find what would work best to help keep me healthy. After trying and researching many products I finally found what I believe has got to be one of the best, and purest whole food product lines around!

As I began to change some simple things in my diet...reading labels, substituting bad things for better things, I also came across GNLD. A sweet friend who didn't even know me at the time had offered to drop off my co-op food, I soon learned her heart was the same as mine. Through our conversation she led me to GNLD and I am thrilled that she did.

I have made changes like grinding my own flours, which seemed to be a huge hurdle, and ended up being the easiest thing ever to do. Then I added other things, organic, raw etc. I am still trying to get in a better habit of fresh, raw fruits and veggies daily, plus leafy greens. I am hoping to continue to turn things around so that I pass on something better to my children and hopefully my grandchildren some day!

My goal on this blog is to offer information that will help you make changes that won't overwhelm you, and give you hope for a healthier you! I am also going to share testimonies of people who's lives have been changed by these products. People with cholesterol problems, cancer, RA, fatigue, depression and much more. If you are interested in our whole food line please stay up to date on my blog, or feel free to email me at: for more info.

Stay healthy, live well, laugh often, and love unconditionally!
God bless...Tonya Risser

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